Monday 21 November 2016

Prepare Yourselves!

Ladies and gents, if you've been dreaming of a Spirithood, now is definitely the time to grab it!

Both November 24th and 28th will be Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales on the site - up to 40% off everything!

There's even a little free gift for the first 100 orders over $100, so bring on those Christmas orders, am I right? ^__~

It is also a good time, if you're interested in any of my Spirithoods, that are no longer featured on the site and what have you, to trade!
There's a lot of the new guys I'd really love to get, but purchase money is tight, so please take a look at my Sales Tab, which has some new stuff on there, and if you're interested, get in touch!

The hoods I am after are listed on the Wants tab, but the main ones are as follows:

Good luck, everyone! : )

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