Monday 24 April 2017

Spring in Full Swing!

Looks like we're getting started!

The Grey Wolf GOA CE is getting dropped tomorrow!

That's April 27th, 10am PT as usual - it should also pop up in the Sping Collection as well, but just in case, I've got the link for you under the images. :)

..and if you want some really big spoilers...Check This Out!
Since it says 2017, I'm guessing these guys will be pretty spaced out, so hopefully we will have time go get the many that I'm sure we all love!
Keep checking back here as well, for info as it comes! : )

It's going to be a busy time...

Also going to add something about my sales...
The Purple Rain Husky is now sold, and the Snow Bunny is on Hold...still some hoods around though, so get in touch with offers or trades of you're interested!
Also keep checking back on the list, because some more stuff should be coming...

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