Thursday 24 August 2017

New Additions!

Guys, something else I wanted to note, quickly...

I got the Cape Fox and Night Fox Galaxy in a trade recently, so they're on my Owned List now...thought I'd show the pictures here, for reference - especially on the Cape Fox, as I know people have been asking about the liner...

Something I will say about the Cape Fox, is that the fur is very fluffy, and wipsy...think I'll definitely me giving mine a bath to keep the fur more grounded - its stunning though, with that texture! <3
The Night Fox is just perfect though - the fur is pretty long, and I don't think the ears are to everyone's liking on mine, but I actually love it - the little quirks are what makes them unique. : )

...also, yes, I did manage to score a Moon Wolf, but it might not be with me for a little while, as my friend is holding it for a bit. So excited to have it though...if only I could just have them sent straight here!

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