Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Golden Gallery?

One of my big plans for this blog is to make up a page I plan to call Golden Gallery...
My hope for it is, that will be a list (gallery) of all the Golden Ticket/one-off hoods that we know of, and I am thinking of adding rare ones, samples, stuff like that...

Now, I did get some help from keepers and collectors, and have acquired a good amount of images, but it is still going to take some time to research...so if anyone is up for helping me at all, please get in touch!

I need images of said hood, the name of it, how many there are, and the year it was made.
I'm also looking for someone to help organise the ones I do have already...people tend to keep pretty quiet on these details, most likely so they won't be hounded by people who want to buy them, but I can promise you that I will not be sharing any names or info on whoever owns the hood, and will only include a picture of it worn if you're happy to share it.

So...keep yours eyes open for that, when it pops up! : )

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