Friday, 28 October 2016

Surprise Relases! (More Galaxy?!)

Sorry for the absence again, guys - this time of year is never a great one for me.
However, I come, once again, bearing gifts for your viewing pleasure!

There's been restocks, a couple of new surprise releases, and also, the announcement of an especially awesome upcoming...

Frosted Inverse Galaxy Fox

Flying Fox

And this little beauty is set for release on November 1st:

Direwolf Galaxy CE

This baby is going to be sell sought after, so if you really want it, better get it asap - 
10am PT!

As for the restocks - they won't last long either!

So many of these guys I wish I could of luck, guys!

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Golden Gallery?

One of my big plans for this blog is to make up a page I plan to call Golden Gallery...
My hope for it is, that will be a list (gallery) of all the Golden Ticket/one-off hoods that we know of, and I am thinking of adding rare ones, samples, stuff like that...

Now, I did get some help from keepers and collectors, and have acquired a good amount of images, but it is still going to take some time to if anyone is up for helping me at all, please get in touch!

I need images of said hood, the name of it, how many there are, and the year it was made.
I'm also looking for someone to help organise the ones I do have already...people tend to keep pretty quiet on these details, most likely so they won't be hounded by people who want to buy them, but I can promise you that I will not be sharing any names or info on whoever owns the hood, and will only include a picture of it worn if you're happy to share it.

So...keep yours eyes open for that, when it pops up! : )

Friday, 14 October 2016

Some More Canine Releases!

Was just surprised with the following little Canine gems, and while I'm not a fan of the wolves here, that fox has me wishin'! : )

More info and the release dates HERE!

Cruelty Free?!

Hi guys!

I just wanted to address something that I've seen a lot of discussion of when it comes to Spirithoods...the use of FUR.
The official site and social media groups get asked (and  angrily called out) quite a bit, that they should not be using fur, and it makes them far from animal friendly...

Honestly, I wish people would do just a little more research into things before they go parading around, accusing and insulting.

Let me be clear. Spirithoods do *not* use real fur in any of their products. In fact, they are well into a lot of causes to help animals, which is very clear when you click on the ABOUT section on their site.

"SpiritHoods brings the adventurous Spirit of the wild into everyday life while helping to protect endangered animals. We encourage creating new experiences, giving back and community interaction through self expression. All Authentic Spirithoods ® are made in Los Angeles California, with the highest quality faux fur (fake fur). You can rest assured knowing that no animals are harmed during the creation of our products. In 2011 & 2012 we were honored to receive Peta Libby Award for Best Animal-friendly Clothing Company."

My guess is that people don't really understand the meaning of the word Faux, or perhaps just see and connect Fur>>Faux>>>Fox.

I can assure you that, that is not the case at all.
Faux is in fact an old French word, I believe, that actually means Fake, False, Imitation, etc.
Faux Fur is actually made from various Synthetic Fibres, which have caused enough debate on their ethicality.

Now, please feel free to check out any and all the links provided to get a decent idea of the materials used, and of course, it will always be an individual's choice on whether they prefer animal-based products, or cruelty free...but please, if you decide to purchase Spirithoods or not, let it be for the right reasons.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

A Good Week! (more Canine releases!)

Hello, all!
Sorry again for the quiet-time -- it was my birthday on the 11th and my best friend came to stay with me for the week. It was great to finally catch up again, and now I have my grail bunny hood, we were bunnies together on my birthday! :D

As for actual hood info...there's some hood stuff!

While I was away, the Night Fox Italy hood and throw were both dropped!
You can still get the hood, but I'm afraid the throw is gone... still, you can always sign up for re-stock notifications!

Check it out HERE

Check it out HERE

Now today, some more upcomings were shown on The Blog -- a new Warbler Shawl, the Moon Wolf Shawl, which I seriously hope to grab for myself, another blanket, and the surprisingly gorgeous Frosted Wolf!

So excited!
Best of luck, anyone going for these!
And anyone that isn't.... a couple of these are now on my Want List, so if there's any of my hoods you like, please check he related tabs out! : )

Saturday, 8 October 2016

I'm back! (and some releases)

Hello, loves!

Sorry for the silence - I was down with the sickness for a while there, so have fallen more than a little behind!
Hope everyone who wanted to get the Siberian Husky got there -- I have one on the way to my Smuggle Mum, which I'm very excited about!

Also, prepping for the fall/winter releases, and some grails, I've been going through my hoods again, so the Want and Sale/Trade lists are now updated, so please take a look!

There's been some pretty cool sales during my absence here as well - a new cape, and two half hoods that fix on to it. (sold separately, of course)

And on the 6th, they released the Charcoal fox, which is still available to buy!

There's also a onesie on the site, that is extremely limited, but I'll leave that one for you to see on the site... ;)

Still, if you have missed these guys, don't be too disappointed... there's still some fantastic stuff on the way, very soon!

Here's just a taster....