Tuesday 7 February 2017

Releases And ISO!

Hiya guys, hope everything is getting ready for the ridiculous, mass amount of releases coming up?

We've got the Red Panda dropping today, same time as usual!

And the Blue and Red Throws will be dropping on Feb 14th, for Valentine's Day!

Also, remember that they will be appearing on the Spring Collection Page HERE, so remember to be checking that area of the site if you wanna grab one quick!
There's a couple more little surprises on the BLOG page right now, so be sure to check that out as well.

Now, I'd also like to add that my tabs have been updated, including the Want List and Sale/Trade list, so please check them out if you're interested!
There's some of the new releases coming up that I would love to trade with someone so please check them out and get in touch.
I'll do a proper ISO post in just a bit, with the Upcomings to look out for if you want to trade. : )

Keep checking back, loves! : )

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