Thursday, 14 September 2017

New Kitty and Red Fox !

A couple more pretties are dropping today - make sure you're prepped for them!

CE Red Fox
Cats in Space

They'll both be dropping at the same (usual) time of 10am PT, so be ready if you want one, or both!
There's also some left of the Grey Fox CE, if you missed it the other day...
I had to miss it, and I'm so sad, so again, if you'd be interested in a trade, HERE is what I have to offer - get in touch. : )

The next expected drop is on the 19th, so who knows if there will be surprises? ; )

Best of luck, all!

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Grey Fox Approaches...

Nearly time for the new Grey Fox drop... best of luck to anyone going for it!

I'm actually pretty sad that I can't go for it myself, but I will be getting a Moon Wolf for my birthday instead. 
If anyone gets a dark liner placement that they're not happy with, though, get in touch and maybe we can sort out  trade.

But for now...get yourselves to the Release Page before 10am PT (or 6pm UK time) for a shot!
Apparently there's going to be 50 or less of them!

Friday, 8 September 2017

Here Come September Drops!

Another five beauties have been added to the Upcomings list, guys!
Who is ready?!

CE Grey Fox
12th Sep

CE Cats in Space
Red Fox CE
14th Sep

Tiger Throw
19th Sep

Cape Fox Throw
21 Sep

Pretty awesome, right?
There's two here that I would very much like to grab...

Something worth mentioning though, is about the Cape Fox throw...
When I saved the image to upload here, the name for it was Grey Fox Throw, not Cape Fox... which fur does it look like to you? ; )
It wouldn't be the first time the company have had name mix-ups either way, so keep your eyes on it!

Again, the time is the same as it has always been - 10AM PT, so best of luck to everyone going for these!

Side Note:
Regarding my own sales, the Blue Kentucky Team Hood has sold, but the others are still available for sale/trade. :)

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Coyote Drop! (and my own sale!)

Get ready to grab that Coyote - it is dropping soon! : )
10AM PT!

On a related note, I'm listing up some more of my hoods for sale/trade.
Feel free to get in touch if any of them interest you. : )

Friday, 1 September 2017

Welcome To September!

Autumn comes a-creepin'! 
...and with it, I'm sure some more gorgeous Spirithoods!

I hope everyone got what they wanted in August - there's still some Cape Fox LE and Naughty Rabbit re-releases available too, if you missed them.

As for September, there's already two hoods announced!

Coyote CE - 
Sep 5th

Clouded Leopard CE 
Sep 7th

Honestly, I'm a wee bit disappointed with these guys - the liner on the Coyote, I am starting to get sick of seeing it, and I don't even own any hoods with it!
Perfect for those who love it and coyotes though, of course. ; )

As for the Clouded Leopard...I've never been a fan of many big cat hoods, but the fur does look stunning. The liner is the same gold shimmer as the butterfly CE that I have, which is isn't my favourite, but still pretty.
Either way, if you are interested in either of these hoods, get yourself to the Releases page at the usual time of 10AM PT on the respective days.

I'm excited to see what else is coming this autumn/winter....stay tuned! : )